
Monday, August 11, 2014

Socrates and me!

Is it just ME – and Socrates, or are you, too, always curious as to the ‘who, what, where, when why and how’.

I was blessed to be raised in a family that delighted in my ‘need to know’.  I never remember simply being today, “Because”, in answer to any of my questions.  I was fed with information, which, guess what; provoked more questions.

I remember in an early Philosophy class in college studying the ancients:  Plato, Aristotle, Socrates.  When we got to Socrates, classmates were quick to turn their heads and comment, “That’s you, Beth!”  Yes, they were right. Socrates, a student of Aristotle was known for asking questions!

I recall driving with my Mom and asking her if she thought there were more blades of grass or grains of sand in the world!  She supposed there were more grains of sand.  I supposed she was right! (She most often was!)

While sitting at a red light in close proximity to a large department store (I miss you, Bonwit Teller!) I asked my Mom how many bricks she thought were in the building.  She said, “Well, let’s do some math!”

Do you realize how lucky I was?  I’m not sure I did in those moments, but I sure came to realize it.  I came to appreciate that questions do have answers – or at least they provoke thoughtful conjecture, conversation, assumptions, etc!  I learned – as we are all told – there are no stupid questions, just stupid answers!
But, I wasn’t answered that way.  I was answered so as to cause me to continue to think, to expand my mind.  In so doing, I gained a wealth of information and didn’t grow up being afraid to ask.  I also learned not to be afraid if I were asked a question to which I had no ready answer.  I was given the gift of a sound foundation of communication.  I learned to listen, to think and to answer; not just to respond. 

We all have ready resources if information.  Technology makes it simple to find factual answers to questions – that’s great.  I wonder, though, what negative effect it may be having on the whole cycle of communication. 

Do we want to know, just to know?  Don’t we want to know so we can share, learn from each other and to grow.  Is the strength of our thumbs growing exponentially to the expansion of our minds?

Call me old fashioned, but nothing beats the magic of human imagination and the world of “I wonder…..”.

So, I wonder where the world would be if we began to speak more, to actually answer, rather than just responding…I wonder what would happen if we could just imagine more and know a tiny bit less.

Technology serves us well in the sciences and we have benefited greatly from advances in medicine because of it.  Technology has overloaded us with less valuable information, the benefit of which “ I wonder”.

SO, is it just ME – and Socrates – or do you, too remember the joy of days when you could just wonder, imagine, dream,  without really knowing?  Maybe I just miss driving around with my Mom and talking to her – boy, do I ever!

"Wisdom begins in wonder."


Monday, August 4, 2014

Aim high; no higher!

Is it just me, or do you, too, know folks who you believe let talents go unused, underdeveloped, wasted?

OUCH!  Just hope no-one puts you in that category; I’m hoping the same for myself!

I believe in dreaming.  I believe in wishing.  But as an ‘oldie but goodie’ song tells us, “…wishing and hoping and planning and dreaming won’t…………..”.

Fill in the blanks as you see fit !

I believe in the dreams of others.  I want things – good things – for others – sometimes more than they seem to want it for themselves, which, by the way, rarely works out well!

What I don’t understand is anyone who spends a life just dreaming, just wishing, just hoping.  “The world doesn’t owe you a living”, my Dad would say, “it’s up to you to go out and work for it and to earn it.” 

What sometimes gets in the way, especially for women, is the active role we assume in making everyone else’s dreams come true.  (So, have you helped someone’s dream come true or have you simply given them what they wanted?)  Sometimes, it’s the lack of belief in one’s self.  Sometimes, it simply not aiming high enough.

I am at the stage of life where there is more behind me than ahead of me as far as time goes, yet I believe the best can always be yet to come.  I don’t believe in excusing failure for not trying and I don’t believe in sitting around waiting for something to happen to me or for me.  I believe that my life is not a spectator sport and that simply showing up is NOT half the battle. 

We need to set goals – BIG goals.  We need to have audacious visions. We need to be engaged.  We need to take action.  We need to DO in order to HAVE and in HAVING, we can CONTRIBUTE.

This is not rocket science – by any means.  This is simply saying we don’t need to solve the age-old mystery of which came first: the chicken or the egg.  We can still enjoy the egg!!!

What I am saddened to see is any woman selling herself short. 

What I am saddened to see is any woman who gives up before she starts.

What I am saddened to see is any woman who does not believe in herself .

What I am baffled by is to see anyone set off on a journey not knowing in what direction to go up.


Dare to dream and dare to dream big.

Don’t permit another to steal your dream,

Don’t steal anyone else’s dream!

So, IS it just me, or do you too, realize there are two kinds of dreams: the one’s you imagine as you sleep and may not even remember once you wake up and then there is the dream you begin living as soon as you wake up!
Live your dream!

Set your sights high – the higher the better. Expect the most wonderful things to happen, not in the future but right now. Realize that nothing is too good. Allow absolutely nothing to hamper you or hold you up in any way.

~Eileen Caddy