Is it just ME or are you,
too, experiencing that not much is the same as in “the good old days”? Boy, do I sound old!
I remember my Mom saying she wouldn’t want to change places
with her children or grandchildren. How
sad, I thought, as both of those generations had so much more than the post-Great
Depression/WW II generation who are rightfully touted as “the greatest generation”.
She also said that what we couldn’t understand in the moment
would become crystal clear one day. I
get it now.
Kids today have so much.
They have their iPhones, their iPads,
and their iPods. While the technologies
of “stuff” is great & may certainly create “ipportunity”, what might it
have taken away? Has the barter of one
for the other been worth it; will it ever be?
“I” am not sure.
Do you remember simpler days when kids played outside after school
and got dirty? Do you remember just showing
up at the usual meeting place or playground and being included? (BTW – we walked – uphill – both ways!) Do
you remember when kids were kids and parents were parents and you found your
friends elsewhere?
In the “i-era”,
my fear – and that’s a strong feeling, but it’s an honest one, is that we are
becoming i-solated, i-nternalized, and too i-ntrospective. Is that an i-mprovement
on the world condition or a giant step backwards? Is the unsolicited i-ntrusion on our privacy working for us or
against us?
sure…perhaps, as Mom promised, we’ll know in 20 years, or so – when our thumbs
have grown stronger and bigger and our list of friends (I’m talking real friends –
the ones you can’t and don’t want to shake for 50-60 years; not the i-nternet
ones) has shrunk.
It’s not just the kids!
I’ve seen groups of adults (by chronological definition, anyway), who
sit in the presence of each other yet are engaged with one not in their
presence. No kidding! A table of 6 “grown-ups”, none of whom were
speaking to each other yet all i-ngaged in a remote conversation! What?
Soak in the
moments. Steal back the opportunity to
be present when in the presence of another.
SPEAK i-nstead of texting. I promise you this: all the i-mails, the texts, the messages will wait for
you – but THIS moment will never come again.
“I” guarantee THAT!
So, IS it just me, or does a one-on-one
conversation when someone doesn’t take a call and make you feel less i-mportant
in the moment sound good right about now?
If you’re
up for it… buy another vowel…
May I
suggest this one…buy a