
Friday, January 4, 2013

Et tu, Dr. Oz?

Is it just ME, or are you, too, overwhelmed by all the weight loss info you are receiving, as always, at the New Year?

Now, I am receiving e-mail upon e-mail from “The Wizard” himself, Dr. Oz…..

Mehmet Cengiz Oz, also known as Dr. Oz, is a well-renowned cardiothoracic surgeon turned author and television celeb.  He grew into a household name after he first appeared on Oprah back in 2004.

I don’t follow him or the show to any great extent, but he seems to be following me.  At 6:31a.m. today, I received an e-mail about his latest  “miracle” (he said it!) weight loss cure from the good doctor; it was for green coffee.  At 8:58 a.m. today, I received the next e-mail; this time the “magic” pill, Carcinia Cambogia. (The one that arrived the week before Thanksgiving promised me a loss of 8 pounds within the week!  That was the Raspberry Ketones one.)

Helloooooooooooooooo; you are a doctor.  You know better; or at least you should. 

OK, here’s a few options from Dr. Oz’s recent list of weight loss remedies: Raspberry Ketones, Green Coffee, Kidney Beans, The 7-day Crash Diet (of course, that could mean you face-plant after 7 days of virtual starvation), the 7-day Cleanse (come on, now, call it what it is!).

I remember when doctors were reliable sources of information with a bit of “I” – for integrity – thrown in.  Now, it seems the “I” is – well, I, (me, mine)… the medically educated turned spokesperson.
Granted, I am being hard on the doctor. I am sure he has truly saved lives as a cardiothoracic surgeon.  For that, kudos, Dr. Oz.

There seems to be a trend and it doesn’t take a wizard to recognize it.  NFL Super Bowl MVPs are hawking mid-size affordable automobiles, Super Models are sharing their beauty secrets (finally and thank you), and TV-stars from years gone-by share that they are wearing diapers.

I guess it all “depends” (sorry - couldn’t resist) but my fear is that leaders in too many niches are becoming, not followers, but chasers – and they are chasing pay-day after pay-day at the expense of their admiring fans.

Coffee Beans!  I could swear doctors have been telling us to cut down. Now, it’s about cutting-up.   And if coffee beans are the “miracle” (again, his choice of words – or maybe scripted for him!), why do we need the “magic” from Southeast Asia.

Most troubling is that the good doctor tells us that finally, the secret to weight loss is revealed – and all without dieting or exercise.  OMG – it IS a “magical miracle”!!!!

Weight loss is neither miraculous nor magic; it is mathematical.  Actually it is also based on the fundamental basis of MIS (Management Information Systems):  INPUT = OUTPUT. 

Put a little less in your mouth and put out a bit more energy = weight management.  I don’t even have a medical degree; but, now I have a headache.  I better go have another piece of chocolate! 

As always, we each get to choose (see Blog of Wed. 11/28/12).

SO, is it just me, or are you, too, tired of being manipulated and made a fool of when it comes to weight loss?  Wouldn’t you rather be told the truth – about the truth?

I have to go take a brisk walk around the block to calm down!  Hey, wait – a brisk walk?  No, I’ll wait for the magic pill for that one, too.

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