Is it just ME, or are you, too, excited about a new year?
Truth be told, I am happy to see
2012 end – and “12” was always my favorite number!
Don’t get me wrong; 2012 (must
have) had (some) great moments and we do need to dig-deep and recall them. Then celebrate them again in our minds, file
them, move on, do better, or do over.
The too many and too cruel
realities of 2012 are sadly easier to recall. Mother Nature, herself, wreaked
havoc around the globe from floods in Australia, China, and Nepal, the
earthquake in the Philippines, Superstorm Sandy in the U.S.
Man’s inhumanity to man broke too
many stories around the world including genocide, murder, bombings, and the
senseless shootings of 20 students in Mubi, Nigeria as well as 20 children in
Newtown, Connecticut, United States – with just 9 days to go until Christmas. Still too tragic to wrap our heads and hearts
BUT, since the Mayan prediction
about the end of the world did not occur on December 21, 2012, we get another
chance to do a better job, to live more peacefully, to encourage and support
one another. We came together as a
world community for 2 magnificent weeks in August for the 30th
Olympiad (there ‘ya go, a good 2012 memory!).
Can’t we transfer the same spirit beyond the fields of athletic
competition? Sure we can!
SO, as we close the book on one
year, we open a new one; one yet to be written, to be lived. How we do that is up to each of us; that
alone is something to celebrate! (“Choices”:
As a young student athlete, we
had an expression: “Do-Over” when we didn’t like the outcome and needed to do
it again to produce a better one! Oh,
that it could be that easy!
I think of that expression every year
at this time as we face the challenge and the opportunity to “do-over” each day
of a new year. We typically approach is
as resolutions. Does that mean to
“re-solve”, as in solve it again? But if
we already “solved” it………..
Resolutions often include exercising
more, losing weight and relaxing on the weekend. In this context, a resolution is a promise
you make to yourself. That’s fine, but
by definition it is about doing for oneself.
Well, as I head toward a big
birthday, I’ve made a big decision. My
resolution is about changing things that will have a direct influence on the
lives of others – not just me! Pretty
grown up, don’t you think?
Do-overs are great but they are
never guaranteed. I’ve decided to do it
right this year (or at least exhaust myself trying). I have been very inspired
by the poem that follows (BTW: the same author in my previous Blog, “Mad Dash
to the Finish Line” (12/21/12)
I hope it inspires you, too; I believe there is a
bit of each of us on at least one line of this poem.
So, IS it just me, or are
you, too, feeling inspired, moved to action?
Let’s go girls:
if we don’t do it, who will?
Let’s resolve to make the number
“13” a lucky one, a blessed one, a promising one, a fulfilling one.
To you and yours, I wish you the best that
life can offer,
opportunity around every corner,
health, and great friends with whom to share
it all.
Happy New Year!
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