
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Volunteer Who Didn’t

Is it just ME, or do you, too think volunteerism should be, well, voluntary?

Funny story…

I recently found my name printed on an invitation that went out to thousands of alumni from my high school.  I could easily have missed it! But, I didn’t.  There it was.  My name as a committee member for a committee I had not volunteered for.  Who has the time for these things?

I had a choice; we always do.
I decided that my name was there for a reason; I don’t believe in co-incidences.  I didn’t want to be attached to anything that misrepresented the nature of the event, the source of the invitation, and certainly not me.

I called the head of the alumni association and introduced myself and briefly “apologized” for having missed previously scheduled committee meetings – and explained why!  We both laughed. Graciously, the person on the other end understood and appreciated my position and extended her own apology for putting me in this situation.
Then I asked what I could do to help.

We chatted for about 1 hour, exchanged some stories and I was given the conference call info for later that night.  At 7p.m., I joined a call – already in progress (who ever starts these things on time?)  My “situation” was shared with the other attendees and the meeting progressed. 

I suggested that a special invitation be sent to the former P.E. Director of our school as the event was “Sports Night” related.  My “sister committee members” all thought it a great idea.  But alas, no-one knew how to begin to be in touch with her.  Oh well, lots of good ideas die on the vine – especially when they are just left there to die.

One Google search and a “411” call later, I was on the phone with this beloved woman.  I explained I was a former student of the school, mentioned the class, then my name and permitted her to admit she had no idea who I was.  But she did!

“I know exactly who you are”, she chimed.  I was smiling from ear to ear.  I couldn’t believe it.  She flattered me by saying “You are worth remembering.”  I thought I would cry (my typical reaction – happy or sad!)
I explained the nature of the call, shared details of the upcoming event and extended her an invitation to join in the celebration.  She was thrilled.  I was more thrilled.

Here’s the thing: opportunity comes when opportunity is needed the most. Though the years have always held fond memories of this woman, I would never have picked up the phone out of the blue and called her.  NEVER!  But here was any opportunity which for some reason was placed before me.

When opportunity presents itself, take it. See it as a gift – a gift you need and deserve. The “nothing ventured, nothing gained” phrase rings true, it always does. But are we here just to break even at the end of any given day, at the end of any given relationship?

This woman made my day and I think I added a bit to hers, as well! Our 20 minutes conversation opened a flood-gate of memories of wonderful people we both knew.  It was as if we were regular phone buddies.  It was great!

Opportunity is often followed by responsibility and I imagine that’s the reason many of us don’t volunteer in the first place.  Now, we have to do something!  The phone call was just step one.  But, isn’t the first step always the hardest?  That being said, this is going to become an experience I would not have wanted to pass up yet it could easily be one I never embraced.
So, IS it just me, or do you think I was volunteered for a reason?

Knock, Knock…
Who’s there?
(let it in!)

1 comment:

  1. Everything happens for a reason, we will see!
