Is it
just ME, or do you, too, feel women contribute tremendously to politics?
As an American women, I
am more than proud of the role women play in politics. Let us not confuse the
difference between holding an elected office and influencing politics; they are
as different as the right and left wings!
A total of 39 countries
have been, or are, headed by women. In
the United States, there are 4 Federal Agencies currently headed by women and a
fifth is under review to replace General Petreus as head of the C.I.A.
The claim that women
lack political ambition must be qualified.
The so called political gender gap is predicted to continue due to what
makes women sound disinterested, disconnected, or just down-right unqualified. I don’t believe any of these tags can be
Let’s look at it from
this woman’s point of view, shall we?
Women are, by and
large, the head-of-the-household in regard to decision-making on healthcare,
spending, education, and parenting.
Are these not the very
facets of daily life on which we vote?
Are these not the day-to-day concerns about which presidential
candidates debate and pander for votes?
Is not the vote of the American woman sought by candidates at all levels
of government?
I would hazard to guess
that similar statements can be made in small towns and countries around the
world. By the way, there are only 6
places in the entire world in which women cannot vote and in 2 of them, men cannot
voter either!
So, why do more women
not seek elected office?
Interesting question.
Here’s my hunch:
Women are too focused
on getting things done in local communities where results can be seen and
Women are efficient
decision-makers and wouldn’t stand for lengthy meetings that produce no
evidence of having mattered.
Women are too busy
attending to the details that matter in the
Politics was built by
boys for boys and continues to be an “olde boys’ club” and women just might
have neither the patience nor the need to belong.
Don’t kid yourself,
though. Women play a very contributing
role in politics and what women think
matters; it matters very, very much.
Perhaps, the most
significant way for every woman to continue to strive to steer the political
machine is to find her voice and to use it for what matters to her. If that means running for an elected office,
do it.
So, IS it
just me, or are you, too proud of all women
who hold elected offices, who support their partners who hold elected offices,
and who show up first and go home last?
the change; make a difference
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