
Friday, November 22, 2013

2 Score and a decade; eternity

Is it just ME, or are you, too, at a point in your life where you look back and recall, in extreme details, prolific, unforgettable moments in your life that, in one way, or another, changed you forever?

A rhetorical question, eh?

Moments such as realizing you were in the company of your true and lifelong partner, hearing the first cry of your newborn baby, accomplishing something you never imaged possible…these are such moments, and once experienced, c you are forever changed.

I wish you an abundance of such moments; may they all be glorious.

As an American woman, I cannot let this day, November 22, 2013, begin and end without sharing such a memory.  For it was on this day, fifty years ago, that John F. Kennedy, President of the United States, was assassinated.

That day changed the world.

This is not intended to be a history lesson; though there are countless lessons to be learned.  I make no political statement; I take no political position.   What the legacy of JKF may have been will never be known; history will forever treat him kindly.

What this is about is the young, soft-spoken woman, who at 34 years of age and the mother of two small children became a widow, yes,  but also, the backbone that held the United States of America together under the horrific burden it could neither imagine nor plan for, yet was forced to accept.

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis stood tall and from the depths of her being presented dignity, strength, focus and the resolve of what is means to be a woman of leadership.

Strength is born in every woman.  Until called upon, as in the case of the woman the world will always remember as “Jackie”, one may never know what she is capable of. 

Leadership is born in every woman.  Until called upon, as in the case of Jackie, theretofore known more for her fashion sense and unique beauty, one may never know she has.   
Circumstances in today’s world challenge us regularly.  They need not be, and I pray they will never be, so iconic as to parallel the events of fifty years ago.  Their presence, and sometimes their overwhelming forbearance over the course of time,  still call upon women of today to stand tall, to present with dignity, to focus and to show resolve; just as Jackie did.

Countless editions line the shelves of book stores and libraries around the world telling Jackie’s story.  In many ways it is the story of every woman.  She is a woman worth knowing; she is a woman who intrigues generation .

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis was laid to rest at The United States National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia.  She is beside President Kennedy, the man she always stood next to, or behind.   She is beneath the glow of the eternal flame; her light will continue to glow.

So on this historic day, I honor
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis

a woman of outstanding leadership

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