
Saturday, May 24, 2014

May we never forget...

Monday, May 26, 2014 is Memorial Day in the United States.

Let us take a moment to remember those who have lost their lives in the service of their country – whatever country that may be – and let us never forget what some do for all in the name of freedom.

Let us pray for peace around the world, the world we will be leaving to our children and grandchildren.

Enjoy a happy and safe weekend.

Beth’s regular Blog will be back

on Wednesday, May 28, 2014  

Friday, May 23, 2014

Finding Strength Within

Is it just ME, or are you, too, blessed to have someone, anyone, in your life who always seems to find their way through even the most difficult circumstances?

Ever blessed, I have had and have many such people in my life.  Through their examples,I have learned that little is impossible when the purpose, the passion and the plan are well aligned.

Recently, a member of TheIWLA sent me an article she had written; it speaks to that need, that ability to find the strength within.

I share that article with you, as written by Jacqueline Roche

Finding Strength Within

When asked to define strength most people would opt to say it is the ability to defeat a person or situation.

When in reality it is being in control of yourself, of your reactions and what you let penetrate your heart and your mind. It is about rising above a person or a situation mentally and veering your thoughts towards optimism no matter how strong the current rises against you. Having inner strength is believing that you possess the most vital weapons there ever existed right within yourself; heart and soul. And with all of the heart and soul you demonstrate, you give the very best of you to every situation, every day.

I have always been an avid believer in the logic behind the statement, “the glass is always half full”. We spend so much of our time focusing on the things we don’t have, and worrying about situations that probably won’t ever happen. If we were to let optimism and happiness over-come our minds as fast as we let fear and regret, we would undoubtedly lead richer, fuller lives. There is such a wondrous beauty in real happiness and inner strength. A genuine smile of confidence gleams of fortitude and resilience.

True strength within a person is not holding your past and other people accountable for your own mistakes, and realizing your life is a direct result of what you have ultimately done, or let happen, regardless of the severity of situations around you. Strength comes from seeing possible in the impossible and rising above assumptions.

Although fear itself is real, it is also a mere state of mind. It is the one thing that can delineate a person, because it threatens our peace. It instills a sense of uncertainty. It causes us to reduce the size of our own beliefs and magnify the opinions and words of other people. When we begin to compromise with fear, we put our resilience in jeopardy. What we seldom realize, is just how powerful our mind really is. We don't give ourselves enough credit for our strength. We seem to forget, more often than not, that we may not have control of everything and everyone else around us, but we have full control of ourselves. If you let the roots of fear manifest themselves into your mind, you have allowed the outside world to gain control of who you are. It will try to define you are by challenging your fortitude.

 As vicious and unmerciful as an enemy outside of ourselves may seem, there is no greater challenge than the one we face when we battle a fear within ourselves. Unlike an enemy, we can’t simply walk away from our words and our thoughts. In fact, they echo the loudest at the peak of our silence and solitude. It takes learning to free ourselves of regret, free ourselves of pessimism and shake off negative energy, to really found our own strength.

A few months ago, I found this inner strength. I made several life changing decisions to better my life, more importantly, my sons life. We took a leap of fate together into our happiness and there has been no looking back. I learned to be strong enough to love every inch of myself just the way I am. I learned to live alone and to love my life. Instead of depending on another person to safe-guard my hopes and dreams, I went out beyond my comfort zones to reach them myself. It took facing fears and my own reflection, but I did it. Most people can't fathom the idea of being alone because they feel lonely, but you never truly are. You have an entire universe to explore within yourself, thoughts and ideas that are worth more than gold, but never voiced. Be busy. Be so busy following those ideas that you don't have time to be alone. Follow your dreams so attentively, that you lose track of time. That is strength and happiness. Getting so lost in the love you have for life that you completely forget to be lonely.

So, IS it just me, or do you, too realize that you DO know someone who has the ability to dig deep and come through difficult times, often while feeling alone?  Perhaps you realize YOU have used such strength to see it through trying times.  While I hope such times do not come your way too often, please know that within you, within every woman, is the instinct to survive and pull others through with you.

Thank you Jacqueline

Monday, May 19, 2014

You Don’t Need Permission to Shine!

Is it just ME, or do you, too, know someone who is never happy for the success or happiness of others?

I truly don’t like saying so, but I’ve been around long enough to say I have known – and still do – a handful of people who just cannot find it in their hearts to be happy for others if they have nothing to be happy about at the same time.

Human nature is, well, it is what it is!  When Bob Proctor sent me this story; I knew I had to share it.  There is much to be said about dream-stealers, jealous hearts and those who would rather not even try than to learn from an experience and to grow.

The letter, below says it all… I’d like to say “enjoy it”; rather, I say, “learn from it”!

Stand Out In The Crowd
From the files of Bob Proctor

Many years ago a young lady who was attending a seminar shared an interesting story with me. Apparently she and two or three of her girlfriends went and tried out for a place in a stage play. She got the starring role while her girlfriends were not even picked for the supporting cast.

Opening night she said she was really excited but afterwards became very disappointed when her girlfriends never came out and supported her. She was explaining the situation to an elderly friend of her fathers named Hap. He wrote her a letter and she gave me a copy with her permission to share it with others. Read it carefully and think.

Dear Ann,

Once upon a time there was a fellow by the name of Al Capp who wrote a comic strip called "L'll Abner." Many years ago he had some characters in his strip who lived in a town near Dogpatch. They were the town bums, the n'er do wells, the failures whose whole aim in life was to pass judgement on others. Their criticism and ridicule became so vehement that in time the rest of the people in the town became acutely conscious of it. "The boys down at the stable," as they were called because that's where they spent most of their time, soon set the social standards of the town. Nobody could do anything without their sanction.

Because they lived within the structure of their crummy little world, they would laugh and point their fingers at anyone and everyone who tried to be better than they were. As a result the people feared the ridicule of the boys down at the stable so much that they stopped trying. Soon everybody became bums and the town died.
In every social structure, Ann, whether it be family, town, county or state, there are "The boys down at the stable." They are the jealous ones. They are too scared to try something different. They show their ignorance by laughing at those who do. Learn to recognize them Ann, for what they are. Don't let them hurt you. It takes a certain amount of toughness to succeed. One has to rise above those who would tear you down so that they can laugh and say, "I told you so!"

There are too many of us who love you and want you to make it. I could put myself at the top of the list. You aren't going to fall flat on your face as they would have you. You are going to do a superb job. Remember this show is only a small step in the direction of greater things you will do, many of which are beyond your wildest dreams. All you have to do is want to. One of the things I like about you best is that you always give it hell for try.

The show will be a success because of you and others like you who try. There are only winners in the cast. The losers are gathered down at the stable laughing and hoping for your failure. If we could dig down deep inside them, I'm sure we'd find they want to win also, but are too scared to try, and they attempt to cover up their own failures as human beings by laughing at others. In a sense I'm sorry for them. Their guilt must make them very unhappy people.

Much love,


So, IS it just me, or do you, too “get” that you don’t need anyone’s permission to try or to succeed.  You need heart, you need passion, you need purpose and a plan.  It’s nice, of course, to have the support of others, but don’t anticipate it, don’t wait for it and don’t shrink in the absence of it.

Above all, be true to yourself!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Be Outraged!

Is it just Me...

No, I know it isn't; how could it be?

It took almost three weeks for the world to hear the story of hundreds of young Nigerian girls having been taken form their school in Lagos, Nigeria...almost three weeks.

As we hear the story now, the Nigerian government was aware of the planned kidnappings hours before they occurred.  Despite the offer of assistance from nearby allies, the Nigeria leader seemed to stand by and do nothing.

I am writing this on Mother's Day.  All day long, I wondered how hundreds of Nigerian women long for the safe return of their daughters not knowing it they will ever be reunited.  Mother's Day is just one more 24 hour period; it's been 4 weeks; 672 agonizing hours!

From the Vicar of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, I to neighbor-hoods  around the world, we are asked to pray; so we must.

We must be outraged.  We must stay outraged.  

Please pay attention to what may be going on in your neighborhoods and in your house of worship.  Do what you can to support the global initiative to being these girls home; to bring them home soon and safely.

Pray these girls have the courage, the strength and the resolve to go on with their lives and to remain strong and lean on each other until each of them can stand on their own.

Pray for the mother's, the father's the siblings of the abducted girls, pray for a nation that did nothing to prevent this from happening, pray an atrocity such as this never happens again.


Friday, May 9, 2014

From all of us here at TheIWLA,

Monday, May 5, 2014


Is it just ME, or do you, too, love redemption?

Well, let me explain what I mean by redemption:  you try something, attempt something - anything- and it doesn't end up exactly how you would have written the outcome; if only it were that easy!

You try again:  better outcome, more pleasing results, closer to the goal; Ah, redemption.

So, let me ask you again:  Is it just me, or do, you, too love redemption?

I'll bet you do; and you should, especially when it's your effort, your dream, your goal. (And, of course, we wish the same for everyone!)

Redemption is not happenstance.  It's the result of resolve, perseverance, passion and belief in what it is you are doing.  Most importantly, it's about believing in yourself. 

Redemption is not a gift; it's the result of action taken, and IF it IS given to you, have YOU actually been the benefactor of (well deserved) redemption or the beneficiary of another's?  Hmmm?

While they both put you in the same position, I think it is only the first that positions you to know how to take the next step and to be worthy of another step forward.

Does that sound harsh?  Does it seem I am being too hard on the beneficiary of redemption?

That's not my intention.  Rather, it is to continue to encourage you to never give up, to hold strong to your vision and never, never be afraid to try and/or have to try again...and again, and again......

Last year, I recovered a bed in my garden.  Shrubs were removed, trees were pruned. I moved 1,000 pounds of rocks, 500 pounds of top soil, dozens of perennials, fertilizer, decorartive rocks.  I had a goal.  It was based on a short-term need with a long term vision in mind.

The short term need was well served; it looked quite good, if I do say so myself.

Then came a long, hard, ridiculously cold winter.  I wondered what would happen when the weather warmed.  Was it possible for these new plantings to endure?  Could they fight their way back and bloom again?  I wondered;  I actually prayed.

Well, Mother Nature's wonders never cease to amaze me!  Sprouts have appeared through the topsoil and tiny little miracles are happening before my very eyes.  A garden:  REDEEMED.

I hope this is an example many of you can relate to!  Whether it's your garden, your family, advancing at work, gaining more support in the community, closing  your goals and getting closer to your vision...whatever it is, ultimately it's about doing the work and never giving up, especially when the result is important to you and has the potential of being meaningful to others.

OK - think about that one!

Is there something -  anything -  that a woman does that does not have those potential to impact and be of great value to others?  Nothing I can think of!

So, IS it just me, or do you, too, love a story of redemption:  YOURS!

              Make adjustments; never stop trying