Well, let me explain what I mean by redemption: you try something, attempt something - anything- and it doesn't end up exactly how you would have written the outcome; if only it were that easy!
You try again: better outcome, more pleasing results, closer to the goal; Ah, redemption.
So, let me ask you again: Is it just me, or do, you, too love redemption?
I'll bet you do; and you should, especially when it's your effort, your dream, your goal. (And, of course, we wish the same for everyone!)
Redemption is not happenstance. It's the result of resolve, perseverance, passion and belief in what it is you are doing. Most importantly, it's about believing in yourself.

While they both put you in the same position, I think it is only the first that positions you to know how to take the next step and to be worthy of another step forward.
Does that sound harsh? Does it seem I am being too hard on the beneficiary of redemption?
That's not my intention. Rather, it is to continue to encourage you to never give up, to hold strong to your vision and never, never be afraid to try and/or have to try again...and again, and again......
Last year, I recovered a bed in my garden. Shrubs were removed, trees were pruned. I moved 1,000 pounds of rocks, 500 pounds of top soil, dozens of perennials, fertilizer, decorartive rocks. I had a goal. It was based on a short-term need with a long term vision in mind.
The short term need was well served; it looked quite good, if I do say so myself.
Then came a long, hard, ridiculously cold winter. I wondered what would happen when the weather warmed. Was it possible for these new plantings to endure? Could they fight their way back and bloom again? I wondered; I actually prayed.
Well, Mother Nature's wonders never cease to amaze me! Sprouts have appeared through the topsoil and tiny little miracles are happening before my very eyes. A garden: REDEEMED.
I hope this is an example many of you can relate to! Whether it's your garden, your family, advancing at work, gaining more support in the community, closing your goals and getting closer to your vision...whatever it is, ultimately it's about doing the work and never giving up, especially when the result is important to you and has the potential of being meaningful to others.
OK - think about that one!
Is there something - anything - that a woman does that does not have those potential to impact and be of great value to others? Nothing I can think of!
So, IS it just me, or do you, too, love a story of redemption: YOURS!
Make adjustments; never stop trying
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