
Monday, June 23, 2014

We survived!

Is it just ME, or do you, too, wonder how the world survived for the approximate 38 minutes Facebook went down on the morning of June 19, 2014?

OMG… it was in the 4 A.M. hour and I was up listening to the morning news.  The announcement was made:  Facebook was down!

I lay there wondering what I should do…in this “War of the Worlds” moment, I prayed the panic would not spread too quickly, that windows wouldn’t open and that 1.2 billion people could hang on and make their way through this tragedy!

I was glad it was so early on the east coast of the United States  and thanked God that most Americans were still in dreamland believing the world was as safe as when they closed their eyes the night before.  If only they knew!!!

“Sorry; something went wrong” were the simple reply words given to those Face Bookers east of New York.  Wasn’t Eastern Europe in enough pain?  How would the feelings of Spain’s loss to Chile in the World Cup be shared with so many – not to mention on the same day at the Coronation of a new King in Spain!  ENOUGH!

Calm returned within the hour; all was right with the world again (Oh, really?)!  Face Book was back!

OK – just having a moment!

BUT, it did cause me to think how reliant we have become on “stuff” the world knew nothing of so short a time ago!  Progress!    Progress?

So, IS it just me, or do you, too, miss some of the personal touch that was shared between friends and family?  Are we on sharing overload?  Who really needs to know what ANY ONE is doing in any given moment?  Progress!   Progress?  Just a thought:  In the words of ET…CALL HOME!

Reach out and touch someone

(notifications don’t count!!)

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