
Friday, July 19, 2013

Choose words carefully!

Is it just ME, or do you, too, sometimes find yourself in a situation when the misuse of a word, or poor selection of a word or phrase changed the entire atmosphere?

Damage Control!

It’s an uncomfortable moment, for sure.  If you are a party to it, either “offensively” or defensively, the struggle to spin the moment goes into high gear.  Awkward moments follow, even if you are just a witness to the situation.

Words are powerful; the written word, extremely so.  I remember my Dad always saying to be careful of putting things in writing in an angry moment;  one day, regret could follow.  

Because the world has become a smaller place, giving us the opportunity to cross paths with a very diverse mix of people, we come to realize that not everything translates exactly as s it is intended.

So, be global!  Appreciate – and from both sides – that what you intend to imply is not always what is inferred.  Words are subject to interpretation; both sides must be aware of this; both sides must “play fair” in coming together in the implication and the inference  (The implication is the spoken word; how the listener interprets it is the inference. (Thank you, Professor Judge Shapiro, Undergrad Business Law.)

The added beauty of the spoken word is that how we emote helps what is intended to be implied inferred properly.  Ah, the beauty of the spoken word; the opportunity to deliver the  story the way you want it to be received.
What is it that you want the world to know?

What action – or reaction – do you want them to take?

Make sure the message, spoken or written, is your most compelling one.  Passion can instill passion;  passion can ignite compassion; that is the power of conveying the best message possible,  the strongest position possible, the message that moves others to take action, hopefully, the action you intend. 

If you have a voice, well, then, you have a voice (brilliant of me to know that!) and you have the opportunity to share your story, the present your side; you have the power to change the world.

Watch this moving video.  Experience the power of it.  Experience the power of expression and the change of reaction to it.  Beautiful!

So, IS it just me, or do you, too, get that words are jewels;  they are also weapons.  They can wound; they can heal.  
Say what you mean; mean what you say!

Change the world!

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