Is it
just ME, or do you, too, know too many women with an
incredibly bad sense of their own body image?
One might think mirrors
are the leveler between truth and fiction when it comes to body image, but
please, what mirrors can you trust?
Dressing rooms have
“fun house” mirrors; everyone looks at least 10 pounds lighter…but wait…that’s
not the problem.
Magazines sell us false
senses of reality thanks to ever widening (no pun intended!) choices of
techno---fibbing. Even hand held phones
now include photo-shop options, lighting options, and teeth whitening options,
how tan do you want to look option!
So, what’s real
anymore? What’s beautiful – and in whose
Here now, the naked

So, IS it just me, or do you, too, feel women should
stop judging other women on matters of body image and that we should all just
get on about being happy and healthy?
your health, you beautiful woman!
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