
Monday, August 26, 2013

Once in a Blue Moon!

Is it just ME, or do you, too, sometimes hear yourself repeating coined-phrases – everyone does – that’s why they’re “coined phrases”, without really understanding them?

I’m quite sure you have; at least “once in a blue moon”!

Having just gone through an actual blue moon occurrence in the heavens, it caused me to think about the phrase a bit more as well as its actual definition. 

What a blue moon actual refers to is a second full moon in a calendar month cycle (though there are other explanations that refer to it as the third full moon in a season in which there are 4!)

While the ask.com info is interesting, if not confusing, my point is this…

I noticed there was quite a bit of talk about this recent celestial event.  It was in the papers, on the web, featured on news shows, spoken about in the office – I even texted a colleague on my way home to tell her to ‘look at the moon’ as an encore to the fact she and her husband had joined others at the beach the night before, built a fire and – well…gazed at the moon.  Ahhhhhh!

How wonderful, I thought to take time to celebrate and enjoy such a beautiful view – especially since it won’t happen again for about another 3 years! 

Now, I am thinking…but no moment ever comes again!

All we have is the here and now; the “present”, the gift that is ours to use or to lose.  So, what is it that we are all busily (term used loosely) waiting for?  Every moment of our lives “present”s us with options, opportunities and choices to be made.

Not every moment is meant to be one of epic proportion; believe it, or not, even that could become mundane, but every moment is to be savored, appreciated and put to good use.

The “once in a blue moon” moments are the extra-special moments and we do need to anticipate them, grow eager for them and create new memories because of them.

Looking up at the sky last night, I didn't see the moon, at all.  I know I will see it again in its many shapes, sizes and hues.  In the meantime, there were countless stars in the sky to fill my senses, to cause me to appreciate the breadth of it all and to say, “This, too, is a moment.”

Now, here’s where I think it really gets even better…these moments exist everywhere and at all times.  We just need to take a moment to slow down and see what is always around us; what we often overlook.

Stars are in the night sky, yes, but stars are where you chose to see them: in the faces around the dinner table (hopefully that’s a gift you give yourself!), strangers in a crowd, most especially, it is you star-gazing your own reflection in the mirror.

Yes, it is you!
Keep your light shining; keep it glowing and growing by being present in the moment and contributing to the beautiful view you can help create for others.  Actually, those just might be the most epic moments of all.

So, IS it just me, or are you, too, starting a mental list of all the stars in your reach.  Are you wondering whose lists you might be on?

Be in every moment;
Shine in every moment.

Reach for the stars!

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