Is it just ME, or do you, too appreciate reading something that just makes sense?

TheIWLA member, Michelle shares “Her-spective” on leadership, and yes, there are two sides…it even starts right in the title!
Thank you for sharing. Michele Unangst; I know our readers will enjoy your article.
“Leadership: Talk So They Will Listen; Listen So They Will Talk!”
Communication it is the single most important aspect of our lives. From our personal relationships: spouses, children, and significant others to our business relationships. The art of communication will be the making or breaking of your business and your effectiveness of a leader.
Having the ability to talk and listen is paramount. From internal to external people. It is our ability to be present, but to really listen and talk. Have you ever had a conversation where it left you in total frustration? Where you felt the person was just thinking of the next thing they wanted to say? Or the conversation was people making their talking points, but no one responding to each other? Your ability to relate, engage, and connect is critical to you being a leader.
Leadership in Speaking:
• Motivate: Learn how to be the motivational force. Not 24/7, but have the ability to see when people need it and how they need it. Your ability to talk, rally, and engage people to push them forward will drive leadership success.
• Brand Ambassador: You are the Brand Ambassador. Just like children look and mimic everything their parents or other adults do, so do your teams and partners. If you are the Brand Ambassador of your company, people look to your communication as to how you wear that flag.
Do you represent it in good times and bad? Are you negative? Are you the driving voice or the dissenting voice? Leadership as a Brand Ambassador, your communicating 24/7 what are you saying?
• Mission: Do you portray the mission of your company? You as the leader need to effectively and consistently communicate the mission, the passion, the reason why the company is doing what they are doing. People need structure, they need to know the reason why and it needs to be voiced consistently.
• Daily and Consistent: You need to take daily and consistent action in communication. Not communication by convenience. Your voice needs to be presented daily. People need the reassurance of positive leadership and voice.
Leadership in Listening:
• Real and Genuine. It must be real and genuine. People can see through when you are present, but not listening. If you care to know, care to grow, you must listen. People have to feel that their voice has value. If not, your leadership turns quickly to dictatorship.
• How You Listen. Don't listen through email or Skype. Look, you will communicate with people that way and it is effective. However when it is important, creative, necessary connect with people on a one-on-one level. You cannot express feelings and emotions effectively in email or using emoticons. Digital connection is great, but nothing can beat the look in the eye, empathetic handshake, smile, and tone of voice. How you listen is key.
• You Have Two! Yes, you have two ears and one mouth for a reason. As leaders we want to fix, but at times, the best way to fix an issue is to listen. People need to say their piece, vent, or get a full idea out. Give people the space to fully express their opinion, before feedback or fix mode. You will be amazed how people will lead themselves to their own answer without giving advice. Win!
• Free Zones. Criticism free zones are vital in listening and leadership. In a group forum if you cultivate a free flow of ideas or issues without public and peer condemnation the results will go further than you ever thought possible. Whether at a weekly meeting, daily, quarterly, in a boardroom or outdoors, ensure you make those free zones a safe place for all voices and opinions to be heard! You lead by allowing it!
Leadership and the art of communication. Ideas, products, and opportunities come from every place. If you create and consistently adhere to an environment that will empower you to talk so people will listen; then listen to empower people to talk, you are leading from the front!
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