
Monday, March 17, 2014

When is it the right time?

Is it just ME, or do you, too, sometimes find yourself putting things off – you know, waiting for the right time?

Let me get directly to the point: the right time, the best time, the only time is the here and the now.

Wonderful articles have been written trying to define, to capture the ‘right time’.  We’ve heard things such as: when the weather gets better, when the kids get older, when the house is clean (love that one!)…the list goes on.

As the list goes on, so does time; the clock keeps ticking.  Though you may not think you are watching it, it is watching you.  If you allow it to steal one precious second at a time, suddenly the hours turn into days, the days into weeks, the weeks into months.  The years drift by quickly enough; hold onto what you can, not by preserving time, but by using it.

The passage of time and the eventual end of it will come.  The only one who should be prepared for that is the soul moving forward; not those of us left behind.  If in those moments we are still contemplating how to slow it down, the preserve it, to hold onto it, rest assured you are letting it slip away; you do not get it back.

I am certainly one who believes there is never enough time with a loved one; it is never the right time to say good-bye, but that is because I am still here.  For those who have gone ahead, we must believe that for them, it was the right time and their job in this world was done.

Richard Bach put it this way:

Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished:
                              If you’re alive, it isn’t.

So, here we are.  That means we are supposed to be doing something!
During a recent conversation with a very bright and accomplished woman, she mentioned that she keeps hoping…

I stated back that hoping is certainly good; hope being one of the virtues, after all.  But, hoping is not enough.  Hoping, wishing, dreaming, waiting…none of that is enough. 

It has to be about the action we take that takes us from where we are to where we hope to be. Even in reaching that goal we remain hopeful; hoping we did it the best way possible, hoping we achieved the best possible outcomes, hoping we added value to the lives of others.  I’s the ‘ING’ thing at the end of words that means we are to put that thought, that wish into action  (the gerundic form of a noun; wow, where did that come from?)

Now, let’s get really real, shall we?

I get that it is not possible to live the ‘carpe diem’ life without consequence.  I also know that to just be alive is not to live.  As always, it’s about creating the balance – in the moment – that makes more things possible and that puts our time to its best use.

People often share their dreams, thoughts and feelings with me.  Too often they are followed by an “oh, well” as if to say “I surrender”, “I’m giving up on – myself!”.

Never, never, never give up on yourself unless you are willing to accept that everyone else will have the right to give up on you, too!  That may be the hardest thing you ask someone who loves and cares about you to do.

Toe the line, run the race, cross the finish line and when the time is right for you to slide into the hereafter, do it as legendary George Carlin said we should, yelling, “WOW, that was some ride” and you will know that that NOW is also the right time, the best time.

What matters is what we do between this now and that now.

NOW…go…LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH and every moment will be a WOW moment for you.

So, IS it just me, or are you, too, resolved to capture the moment and make the best of each one of them.

NOW…go…do something fabulous

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