it just ME, or will you, too admit to the next
Monday, next month, next year…..
On this one, I KNOW I
am not alone, and actually I have gotten much better at not putting things
off. Why? Well, because it makes absolutely no sense to
put things off.
Life is not a dress
rehearsal and we shouldn’t count on curtain calls! We have three perspectives: the past, the present, the future.
It’s easy to bask in both
the glories and the disappointments of the past; it serves no purpose. It’s over.
The take-away was the lesson learned; did you learn from it? Great!
It’s just as easy to
dream about the future. Dreaming is not
always a bad thing, but, it is a passive thing. We usually do it supine and
with our eyes closed!!
What I believe to be
true is that what matters most is what we are doing right NOW; how are we
managing our PRESENT; what we are doing right now.
Having just celebrated
the holiday season and having turned the page of another calendar year, we
often find ourselves making all sorts of promises – resolutions, we call
them. Interesting word; let’s break it
down…it seems to mean to solve -
again. That suggests we really didn’t
solve it the first time!
Here’s my
“resolution”: not to try to resolve
anything! There, I said it. My 2014 decision is to live in the now, my
now, and to be in every moment as completely and as happily as possible.
I will focus on the
present and in so doing will be giving myself the most perfect present
365/24/7. Selfish? Perhaps, a bit, but in having your best
present, you can be the best present to everyone and in every moment. Selfish?
Yeah, perhaps a bit, but I am OK with that. I’m OK with selfishly wanting to be my best
to help others be or find their
The holidays permit us
to reminisce, to recall the wonders of years gone by, to smile at what a former
“present” means to us in hind-sight; often more than it may have meant in the
moment. Human nature, I suppose; no
apology here, for I am known to tell stories of the past, my past. In the end, it is those stories that have
brought me – and you – to the present.
They have made us who we are and it is good to be proud of that.

This is my first blog
for 2014 and there is so much I want to share.
2013 blessed me with many new relationships with amazing women who have
humbled me and inspired me. I want to
share it all with you…I want that to be my present to you throughout the new
I wish you all the best
of this new year.
I urge you to take the
lessons of yester-year and use them to live in the present.
I hope that each new
today brings you hope, possibility and purpose – and I hope you recognize them
I encourage you not
to just dream, but to envision your
future and plan how using today to its greatest potential with help you realize
your dreams.
I hope you realize and
accept your own greatness – whatever it may be – and in each and every day,
maximize it, share it, grow from it.
I pray the new year
brings you peace in every way.
May I now ask you to be
an agent of change for others, to support other women in all they seek to do,
to make your dream of a better world a fact while you are here to enjoy it and
to KNOW that at the heart of every woman lies greatness.
So, IS it just me, or do you, too, envision 2014 a better world for all of us?
to dream; dare to do!
New Year.
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