
Friday, January 10, 2014

Mouse in the House

Is it just ME, or do you, too, sometimes need an extra push to get going.  It’s OK, we all do!

I’m in the northeast of the United States where we have just experienced a “Solar Vortex” along with historically low temperatures.  On top of single digit temperatures, the heat in our office was not working!  Believe me, it would have been very easy to stay under the warm covers and just not rise to the occasion.

Women cannot do that though!  Women have to be the rooster in the morning who inspires others to throw back the covers and embrace a new day; it’s what we do.

So, how do we do this and after we have done it for others, what’s left for us?

If I may, I want to urge you not to wait to find out!  Create what it is you want: define it, declare it, and DO IT!

When a woman has passion and purpose behind her, there is virtually nothing that cannot get done – and done well.  The goal is not to wait for the perfect time – that time is NOW.

Don’t wait until everyone else is taken care of to permit yourself to take care of you.  The stronger you are in any and every moment the more your can do and be and give to others.  Believe me, the whole world benefits when surrounded by strong women!

Find your trigger.  Know what it is that will get you moving and then duplicate that situation.  In a short while, a new habit will form and you will be on your own “auto pilot” of sorts.

Studies show that successful people tend to be early risers.  They exercise, meditate, eat a good breakfast and schedule their day.

WOW, what a notion; reminds me of the ‘Early to bed, early to rise makes man healthy, wealthy and wise” saying.  Of course sayings only get to be sayings because they are proven to be true.  Cause for thought, don’t you think?

So, what is it that will work for you?  What is your “mouse in the house”?  (Do you know anyone whose adrenaline doesn't reach fever pitch at the very thought of a mouse being nearby?) 

Years ago, I ran 25 miles each week.  Growing more sensible, I decided to speed walk instead.  Though I liked running more, my knees said, “No.”  What cemented by commitment to walking was to walk with another woman.  It kept me on schedule, I had to honor my word, some one  was relying on me and waiting for me at 6:30 every morning at the track.  SHE was my ‘mouse in the house’.  As I saw the hands on the clock move, there came that split moment that launched me in to action.  My heart beat faster, my blood was flowing….I was on!

Life moves quickly.  Please, learn to move and grow with it.  Life is not a spectator sport, especially when it’s your life! 

So, is it just me, or are you, too willing to find your put a mouse in your house and jump-start your life in 2014?


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