
Friday, November 30, 2012

ZIG; then ZAG

Is it just ME, or do you, too love reading clever, motivational sayings?

I love them!
It is sad, then, to think that one of the greats has written his last one.

World renowned and all-around master of positive thinking, Zig Ziglar died this week at the age of 86.
Author of 30 books and Mentor to the Mentors, Zig’s phrases and perspectives have been quoted and paraphrased for more than 40 years.  He sat beside US Presidents and former Prime Minister of England, Margaret Thatcher.

I can remember hearing his name for the first time.  I hadn’t a clue.  His name started to echo in my ear over the years and I grew to be a big fan.

What would Zig say about that?

Perhaps that nothing he said was about him; which is not to say that his words did not apply to him.  Rather, he lived to motivate others to achieve success – and boy, did he ever!!

Let’s share one, shall we?
You can have everything in life you want,
if you will just help other people get what they want.

Well, yes, of course…we all know that, right? 

Zig had a way of making things sound obvious; reasonable.  Therein lies the ability for all of us to gleen something from his words of wisdom.

What I mean by that is to take the words of a Zig (often imitated; never duplicated!) and then apply them – as you see fit – to you and your personal circumstances.  It will always be an honest, albeit, sometimes uncomfortable fit.

In fact, take the words of anyone and extract what is most meaningful for yourself, your family, your community, your tribe.  It’s like reading horoscopes in the newspaper.  I think if you cover up what sign you are reading, each and every one of them will resonate with you. 

Let’s take another look…

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - 
that's why we recommend it daily.  

Another winner!

Please take a moment every day and find your motivation in some one, some thing, some place.  Then find your focus for the day and see it through.  Find your inner motivation and share it.  Lead by example; other will always be willing to follow.

I honestly believe I have felt your feelings.
I've walked in your shoes.
You have made some mistakes,
and you may not be where you want to be,
but that has nothing to do with your future.
~Zig Ziglar

SO, IS it just me, or do you, too find hope and honesty in the words of Zig Ziglar

Tell me, where do you find your inspiration, your motivation?

Rest well, Mr. Z – and thanks.

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