
Friday, July 5, 2013

How do you spell P-O-W-E-R?

Is it just ME, or do you, too, struggle to create “top 10” lists, name your all-time favorite song, movie, book…?

I guess my favorite color is blue; but what shade, what tone, what depth?  I don’t wear it all the time and my home has very little of it as décor.  So, why is it my favorite color?

Perhaps because of what it suggests in my mind: the color of the sky on a beautiful day, the color of my Mother’s eyes (and my Dad, and all my relatives….my husband’s eyes), a calm ocean, my prom dress???

There are clearly different ways of “measuring” likes and dislikes and I am always curious when I see “the lists” coming out.

FORBES has just published its list of the “top 1o most powerful celebrities”.  Interesting.  How do you determine power!  It used to be by the magic of a Marvel comic or a Halloween custume, but in the age of technology, at least FORBES is considering other attributes than your cape, magic boots, or wrist cuffs!

Of the 2013 top 10 most powerful celebrities, six are women!  Good show, indeed.  Those six include Oprah (#1), Lady Gaga (#2), Beyonce (#4), Madonna (#5), Taylor Swift (#6; she’s 23 years-old and this is her 5th year on the list!!) and Ellen DeGeneres (#10); 23 talk-show hosts and 4 entertainers (specifically “out-there” singers).

So, while you might not want your sons to grow up to be Cowboys, you might consider singing lessons for your daughters!


Thus, my question: how do YOU spell P-O-W-E-R?

While that question obviously has no finite answer, it strikes me, that according to FORBES, there are certain habits or course of action, M.O.s that these powerful celebrities have used to hone their skills that we can all use to “emP-O-W-E-R” ourselves.

Briefly, here’s what we should all be doing:

Engage Social Media:  I see it as the go to place for staying current, sharing your in-the-moment thoughts and engaging with others.

Exposure, Exposure, Exposure: it’s a very competitive world out there and technology open up a world of possibility for global business.  The flip side is that is increase the competition in every market.  (BTW: ever notice how Taylor Swift does EVERYTHING she can to be noticed at every award show – even when others are performing? She dances in the isles, waves her arms, sings along – she’s got it down!) EXPOSURE!!

Marketability: cannot over-state the importance of marketability…know your market, know your specific audience, stay relevant, make yourself marketable, make others want to market you. No market means you are enjoying a hobby; not building a business.

SO, is it just me, or are you, too willing to put these tools to work for YOU and take the risk of being added to a “top 10” list in your area of expertise?

Dancing is good, too!

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