
Monday, April 22, 2013

More than just a pretty face!

Is it just Me, or are you, too, bored by the “pretty face statements” made about women suggesting we get a pretty face
OR a brain?

Well, for anyone still holding on to this belief (and he’s probably not reading this blog), TheIWLA put the “debate” to rest on Thursday, April 18, 2013, visa vie a live event presented by Terri Amos-Britt.

Let me back up (beep, beep, beep) Terri is a former Miss USA, so you already know she has way above the average beautiful face.  But for this beauty, that face is a reflection of what’s going on inside this Energetic Healer, this Spiritual Coach.

It’s deep; but, at the same time, it’s very apparent.

More than 100 women registered to hear Terri tell them how to ‘get out of their own way’ by releasing the energy that is subconsciously blocking them.

Terri  teaches a compelling exercise that summons up the past so that a better future becomes possible – in all aspects of life.

I attended.  I participated.  I listened.  I learned.  I am grateful.

My experience was, well, my experience; it was personal, it was emotional.  I
Want you to have the same experience, as I did, in the privacy of your home and on your time.

Terri recorded the event and TheIWLA is bringing an “oncore presentation” to you.   You owe it to yourself to take the time (just about 1 hour) to  get to know Terri – her story is so multi-dimensional, so moving, so real.  You may get a sense of yourself in her story, as I did, and see, understand, or accept – it’s always your choice – and move forward in a different “light”.

Thank you, Terri Amos-Britt.  You are truly a beautiful women, through and through. 
So, IS it just me, or are you too, willing to meet Terri – and possibly meet yourself for the first time in a way you never knew before.

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