
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Day…

Is it just Me, or do you, too, find it so hard to believe we are about to commemorate twelve years since the 911 attacks in the United States?

Last week, I had cause to visit my old parish church in Manhasset, New York.  Always appreciative of the opportunity to visit the church from which I and all my siblings  received the sacraments, graduated elementary and high school; the church in which my two sisters and I were married, where I spoke publicly for the first time on the occasion of my brother’s Ordination into the Priesthood, the church from which that brother said the Mass of Resurrection for our oldest brother and our parents,, the church in which I saw nieces and nephews baptized…the church in which  I witnessed the first memorial service of a 911 victim and a second one at which my oldest nephew eulogized a 24 year-old classmate who perished that day…the church at which plaques hang in memory of 36 parishioners, from one small town, who lost their lives on September 11, 2001…yes, it HAS been 12 years!

In seeing those plaques, I started to wonder about the numbers that define the unthinkable that, in a moment, became reality; they are daunting:

1 - beautiful Tuesday morning of blue skies; the kind of day that makes you realize the beauty around you

2 - buildings, 2 hours

3 - a third plane; American Airline Flt 77; 3 staircases

4 - coordinated attacks; a 4th plane, United Flt 93

8 - EMT's and Paramedics from private agencies killed

10 - buildings surrounding The World Trade Center that were also destroyed

11 - American Airlines Flt 11

19 - hijackers

23 - members of New York’s Finest; the NYC  Police Department, killed

37 - members of the Port Authority Police Department, killed

55 - military personnel who were killed at The Pentagon

77 - American Airline Flt 77

90 - countries who lost civilians in the attack

93 - United Flt 93, whose passengers overtook the hijackers and crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania

107 - deaths in the South Tower below the point of impact

110 - stories in the building; 110  flights of stairs

125 - lives lost at The Pentagon

175 - United Airlines Flight

200 - souls estimated to have jumped to their deaths to escape the flames and smoke of the burning Towers

227 - civilians aboard the 4 planes; victims and heroes

340 - members of New York City’s Bravest, the NYC Fire Departments:  firefighters, chaplain and paramedics: dead

411 - total emergency workers killed

658 - employees from just one company, Cantor Fitzgerald, including their CEO

1122 - 41% of The World Trade Center victims who remain unidentified

1255 - persons at or above the point of impact trapped

1631 - identified victims from The World Trade Center

1776 - feet (541km) into the air: the height of Freedom Tower

2997 - declared dead in the Towers

6000 - total deaths confirmed weeks after the attacks

10000 - unidentified human remains

It was 1 day: a beautiful Tuesday morning in September.

There wasn't a cloud in the sky.  

It was the kind of day that made you realize the beauty around you.


It was 1 day that changed the world.

May we never forget.
May the world  never know the likes of it again.

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