
Friday, June 21, 2013

Seeing, I mean Hearing is believing…

Is it just me, or do you, too remember when you were a kid and you stayed up late to watch beauty pageants?

OK, OK, I admit it…I used to love to watch beauty pageants.  In fact, one of my sisters still calls me to tell me when they are on – good memories!

Well, I didn’t see this one, myself – didn’t even know when this one was one…but…

Take a look and a listen….

So, let’s not be too hard on this beautiful Miss Utah; it is a BEAUTY contest, after all.  But it is 2013, social media is EVERY where – it caught you, Miss Utah - and the word has been out for a reeeeeeealy long time now.

I am going to attribute Miss Utah’s “HUH?” answer to beauty pageant jitters and I chose to believe she would want that moment back and more clearly tell the viewing audience (which will probably continue to grow) that she is amazed that 50 years after JFK signed into law that women must have the same rights as men when it comes to fair workplace opportunity, but that women still make just 77cents to the $1 that men are paid for the same job.

She might want to add that, while we have come a long way (baby!), the journey must continue and large and small businesses alike must recognize the meaningful contribution women have always made – in and out of the workplace – and that women continue to aspire to contribute more – and can!

Miss Utah might want to add that all companies, employers, and society in general – should applaud women for the graceful balancing act (talent competition?) women do each day to maintain the necessary semblance of order between home and work.  
If she really gets going, she might want to throw in the willingness women exhibit to ‘do the work’ and declare that women do so tirelessly.

If time permits, she could mention the mandate that women live under to contribute to the rebalancing of the socio-economic condition of the world to ensure their children and grandchildren inherit a better world full of more – and equal – opportunities.

OK, now she’s walking down the runway and she’s looking the audience straight in the eye and she’s telling women to support other women; she’s telling men to encourage women and appreciate women…now she’s declaring her candidacy for __________________.

I digress….

So, IS it just me, or do you, too want to say “thank you” to Miss Utah for getting out there and for letting the world know she is not the only one who is confused by the 77% ratio of earning for women.  INDEED, WE ARE ALL SPEECHLESS!!!

Thank you, Miss Utah; you truly are a beautiful woman!


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